Monday, February 13, 2006

A Call to LOVE

With regards to the dasacralising, de-souling of the world; with the regards to its growing aridity and mechanisation of the spirit; with regards to the loss of the Christian MYSTERY; with all this in mind, I believe Anonymous d'Outre Tombe said:

‘La Mission de Jean est de garder ***la vie et l’ame*** de l’eglise …’

The Mission of John is to guard ***the life and the soul*** of the Church.

And with regards to these tragedies, I believe, he also sounded a call to LOVE:

"Are we not called, we theologians of the world and you theologians of the Holy Scripture to watch at the same altar and to fulfill the same task of not letting the lamp illumined to the glory of God be extinguished in the world?

Is it not our common endeavour duty to provide for it, to provide the holy oil so that its flame is never extinguished, so that … it continues to burn from century to century?

Has not the time finally arrived when we Hermeticists shall take account of the incontestable fact that it is thanks to the Church that we have air to breath and that we have a place of shelter and refuge in this world of materialism, imperialism, nationalism, technologism, biologism and psychologism?

It is in so far that the Church lives that we live. The church once reduced to silence, all human voices desiring to serve the glory of God will also be reduced to silence.

We live and we die with the Church. Because in order to live, we need air to breath; we need the atmosphere of piety, sacrifice, and appreciation of the invisible as a higher reality. This air, this atmosphere in the world, exists in the world only by grace of the Church.

Without it Hermeticism--indeed, every idealistic philosophy and all metaphysical idealism--would be drowned in utilitarianism, materialism, industrialism, technologism, biologism and psychologism.

Dear Unknown Friend, imagine to yourself a world without the Church. Imagine a world of factories, clubs, sports, political meetings, utilitarian universities, utilitarian arts or recreations--in which you would hear not a single word of praise for the Holy Trinity or of benediction in its name.

Imagine to yourself a world in which you would never hear 'Gloria Patri, et Filio, et Spiritui Sancti, sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper et in saecula saeculorum, or 'Benedicat vos omnipotens Deus, Pater, Filius et Spiritus Sanctus'.

A world without worship and without deprived of ozone the psychic and spiritual atmosphere would then be, and how empty and cold it would be! Do you think that Hermeticism could exist and live for a single day?....

Therefore make use of the balance of Justice and judge impartially. When you have done so, you will no doubt say: Never will I throw stones against the Church, since it is she who makes possible, and stimulates and protects, human endeavour for the glory of God.

And as Hermeticism is such an endeavour, it could not exist without the Church. We Hermeticists have only one choice: either to live as parasites(for it is thanks to the Church that we are able to live), if we are strangers to or hostile to the Church; or to live as her faithful friends and servants, if we understand what we owe to her and so begin to love her.

Now is the time for the Hermetic movement to make true Christian peace with the Church and to cease to be her semi-illegitimate child, leading a half-tolerated life more or less in the shadow of the Church – and to become eventually an adopted child, if not a recognized legitimate child.

But “it takes two to love”. And there is many a pretension to be abandoned in order to accomplish this. What is sure however is that if the two parties in question have at heart only the glory of God, all obstacles to this peace will evaporate in smoke.”

1 comment:

Roger Buck said...

Hi Derek,

Thank you.

Only a moment to say that that book is a key inspiration for this site. For me, it has had the most tremendous healing and soul making value.

More of what I think about this monument of hope and love is here:

Only a moment now - but I might say a little more in a few days, IF I get a chance.

Or maybe someone else can comment on von Balthasar?